Author: Jeremy Vickers
Category: Blog

Post Tags: Leadership | Networking |

How does one build a strong personal network, stay active in the community and generate opportunities to lead and serve? While there is no formal process or structure to facilitate these things, it must be something done philosophically and systematically. 

A leader should find ways to give back, serve and lead across sectors by intentionally seeking opportunities and making time for them. It may not be possible for someone to spend 15 hours a week engaged in building their network, but 15 hours a month may be feasible. So how do you divide your time and where do you invest? This four-part series will break down the steps of immersing yourself in networking, but doing so efficiently.

Business Industry

Each leader should pursue opportunities for networking in their own industry specific network. This usually begins by researching and developing a list of prospective networking events, conferences and support organizations within the industry. Once this initial list has been developed, attend the top two or three for a few months, assuming they are regularly scheduled, in order to determine whether the organization and participants are a good fit. The goal is to determine which group maintains a captive audience of industry specific participants that are important to your goals and network. Be cautious if the event or group is made up of half or more non-industry leaders, as you may not generate quite the network you intended. In this scenario, consider shifting this network to another bucket, such as business non-industry.

Once the target group or groups have been engaged, it is important to get to know the leadership within the organization and build relationships. Reach out to leaders within the organization to learn the history, structure, needs and opportunities to support the organization. Make it clear that your objective is to invest your time deeply and eventually become a leader in the group. Then, you must follow up and consistently engage. This may take months or even a couple of years depending upon the size and structure of the group. Remember, it is more important to invest deeply in one or two organizations in your industry, rather than to attend all of the events of many groups while not consistently developing personal contacts. Your time is limited!

Business Non-Industry

In addition to pursuing a deep network in your core industry, it is paramount to pursue relationships in one or more adjacent industries. A personal network must expand beyond core industry in order to broaden your reach and to leverage common connections. For instance, an entrepreneur developing a software solution for retail and restaurant spaces might focus on building their network only with vendors and owners in the retail space. This would be limiting to reach and growth. Consider expanding to adjacent industries such as lawyers, accountants and financial services organizations that serve the industry of the entrepreneur. These adjacent industries may serve the entrepreneur in both helping acquire future services needed and using those connections to make introductions to partners and customers.

Becoming a thought leader, expert and highly networked individual in the legal and financial aspects of this adjacent industry will present opportunities and introductions for future customers and partners. Use your expertise to provide value to others, as well as to position yourself as a key relationship. This will assist you in becoming more highly networked. Often, being the connector between industries and to other parties can serve you far better than being the one who receives connections without giving.

Jeremy Vickers, Ph.D., serves as Associate Vice President of External Affairs at Baylor University where he leads institutional events, community relations and external affairs. He is passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship and channels that passion to serve organizations where he can support both growth and change. Jeremy lives in Waco, TX with his wife Jackie and four children.


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